
Local style all-day-breakfast - Hokkaido Milk Farm

Checked: Hokkaido Dairy Milk Farm (Admiralty) 北海道牧場

Yet another recreation of the ever blooming  classic Hong Kong style "all-day-breakfast" from our close-to-heart Australia Dairy Milk Company, with more variations and using milk from Hokkaido, but on the pricey side.

The tomato soup based macaroni was a bit over-thickened, but of course with a bottle of Japanese sesame oil on each table, it makes everything taste better. Add hkd6 for waffles with condensed milk and peanut butter. But I mean, it's just those pre-made frozen waffles you can buy yourself in the supermarket and put it in the toaster. Milk tea has started to get watery. Only thing, scrambled eggs cooked just about right, silky smooth, but it's done right in so many local tea restaurants that it just doesn't worth going...

hkd38 local all-day-breakfast


