
Local style all-day-breakfast - Hokkaido Milk Farm

Checked: Hokkaido Dairy Milk Farm (Admiralty) 北海道牧場

Yet another recreation of the ever blooming  classic Hong Kong style "all-day-breakfast" from our close-to-heart Australia Dairy Milk Company, with more variations and using milk from Hokkaido, but on the pricey side.

The tomato soup based macaroni was a bit over-thickened, but of course with a bottle of Japanese sesame oil on each table, it makes everything taste better. Add hkd6 for waffles with condensed milk and peanut butter. But I mean, it's just those pre-made frozen waffles you can buy yourself in the supermarket and put it in the toaster. Milk tea has started to get watery. Only thing, scrambled eggs cooked just about right, silky smooth, but it's done right in so many local tea restaurants that it just doesn't worth going...

hkd38 local all-day-breakfast



Losing the wow factor with liquid nitrogen

Checked: Lab made (Tin Hau station, new branch in Tsim Sha Tsui)

Father's day special: chocolate whisky with crispy bacon. Disappointingly, it was just sweet milk chocolate icecream with whisky syrup and bacon bits on top. I was NOT expecting tasting everything in separate forms.

I was impressed with their initial inventions, a twist of local dim sums and afternoon tea staples to festive food in the form of icecream. They just need to push further and be more outside the box.

peanut butter condensed milk toast flavor 奶醬多味

Mooncake Flavor 月餅味

自稱亞洲首家分子冰淇淋。前段的創意的確是令人驚喜的,流沙包、奶醬多、月餅... -196 度的液化氮,不單能令冰淇淋漿立刻凝固而更新鮮幼滑,更增加口味質感上的創意空間。

時日父情節口味:男人味。見到脆培根,我是期待的,但卻只止于冰淇淋上的兩小片脆培根,冰淇淋還是普通不過加上有點過甜的巧克力味道,及另外加上偏甜的威士忌糖漿,完全沒有利用到-196 度的液化氮的優勢,售價港幣44,很是失望。要創新,就不能停留在將熱門普及性的經典西方甜點便成冰淇淋,這些國外很普及吧,什麽蘋果芝士餅、檸檬批、黑森林蛋糕等等,香港亞洲那麽多特色甜咸小吃,何不大膽一點? 
Father's day special 男人味 


Those irresistable little gems.....Pierre Herme

Checked: Pierre Herme (Central)

10 adjectives for Pierre Herme's macarons:

  1. sophisticated
  2. exquisite
  3. elegant
  4. delicate
  5. bold
  6. balanced
  7. unique
  8. classy
  9. innovative
  10. DIVINE
Want to get some textural complexity, try: Olive oil with vanilla cream (the sweet and the savory), Matcha & black sesame (neither flavors overwhelms the other).

Personal favorite: Infiniment rose. strong yet natural. Unlike most, it doesn't border to perfume, soap or handcream.

I've had a fair try of macarons in Paris and Hong Kong, Pierre Herme is still by far the best, and leading miles ahead (Sorry, Laduree).

How I miss that long glassy cabinet of macaron flavors to pick from in Paris...lacking choices in HK.

嘗遍巴黎香港有名的餅店,還是Pierre Herme 家的馬卡龍最好吃。外表精致玲瓏是不在話下的,突出于別家的是,它有豐富的層次、深度的口感、創新的口味、飽滿的夾心。最愛其玫瑰味,市面上很難找到清淡卻幽香自然的玫瑰味,且不會過甜(一般的像吃玫瑰香水、肥皂或護手霜的感覺...難而下嚥)。要感受它的與衆不同,特推它的黑芝麻抹茶、香草橄欖油,一試你就會明白。

地址參考: http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/sr2.htm?shopid=135630&region=0&s=3