
Those irresistable little gems.....Pierre Herme

Checked: Pierre Herme (Central)

10 adjectives for Pierre Herme's macarons:

  1. sophisticated
  2. exquisite
  3. elegant
  4. delicate
  5. bold
  6. balanced
  7. unique
  8. classy
  9. innovative
  10. DIVINE
Want to get some textural complexity, try: Olive oil with vanilla cream (the sweet and the savory), Matcha & black sesame (neither flavors overwhelms the other).

Personal favorite: Infiniment rose. strong yet natural. Unlike most, it doesn't border to perfume, soap or handcream.

I've had a fair try of macarons in Paris and Hong Kong, Pierre Herme is still by far the best, and leading miles ahead (Sorry, Laduree).

How I miss that long glassy cabinet of macaron flavors to pick from in Paris...lacking choices in HK.

嘗遍巴黎香港有名的餅店,還是Pierre Herme 家的馬卡龍最好吃。外表精致玲瓏是不在話下的,突出于別家的是,它有豐富的層次、深度的口感、創新的口味、飽滿的夾心。最愛其玫瑰味,市面上很難找到清淡卻幽香自然的玫瑰味,且不會過甜(一般的像吃玫瑰香水、肥皂或護手霜的感覺...難而下嚥)。要感受它的與衆不同,特推它的黑芝麻抹茶、香草橄欖油,一試你就會明白。

地址參考: http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/sr2.htm?shopid=135630&region=0&s=3

